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Failed to resolve entry for package "@ohif/ui". The package may have incorrect main/module/exports specified in its package.json.
getting this error when using @ohif/ui npm package
@Bill_Wallace: Is that in the current master? I believe you need to update your configuration on how you pull in OHIF to be compatible with the newer JavaScript packaging mechanism/setup - Alireza did that work, and he is away right now, but I think that is your issue.
Take a look at the platform/app webpack and package configuration.
@Aman_Sharma: Yes it’s on the current master, also can you please tell me how exactly can I integrate OHIF to my react app, it is very hard to understand through docs
@Alireza_Sedghi: use iframe
iframe | OHIF
OHIF is not a package that you can import into your react app, although that would have been neat. But not currently