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@Andy_McGunagle: Hi there, Apologies if I’m missing something obvious in the docs, but I’m trying to figure out the best way to add text annotations to images without any additional arrows or lines (using @cornerstonejs/tools v2+).
The tool I’m finding that seems to be closest to what I’m looking for is the Arrow Annotate tool. Is there a way to adjust my config for the Arrow Annotate tool to remove the arrow and line? Alternatively, is there a better tool to add free text to an image or do I need to create a custom tool?
In what seem to be the old docs, I’m seeing a Text Marker tool, but it seems that simply stamps pre-determined text onto images, plus I don’t see any references to a Text Marker tool in the new docs or @cornerstonejs/tools package.
For more context, ultimately my goals are to:
• Be able to add multiple free-floating text annotations (without any arrows or lines) to images
• Edit existing text annotations
• Copy and paste text annotations
• Change the font-size of text annotations
• Change the opacity of text annotations
• Change the color of text annotations
• Move text annotations with hotkeys
• Toggle the visibility of text annotations
• Click and drag to translate the position of a text annotations
Thanks in advance for any direction anyone can provide!
@Bill_Wallace: You might look at the implementation in CS3D for KeyImageTool. It doesn’t do quite what you want, but I suspect it is closer to what you are looking for than an arrow annotate. Likely you would want to have it retain the original position and change the rendering to show text in that location in the given font/size etc. I wouldn’t mind seeing a PR for KeyImageTool which adds various rendering capabilities based on the settings/annotation object values so that you could say to show it as text in the original location, or as the key image indicator, or a series indicator etc.