Attempting to View 4D Ultrasounds

Hi, I’ve been struggling to load in a DICOM of a 4D ultrasound (multi-frame sequences across the axial, coronal, sagittal planes) into the OHIF viewer, but I get a black canvas/thumbnail with a “Unsupported displayset” message. This same DICOM can be viewed in 3D slicer, which is where I exported the file from.

Is the viewing of 4D ultrasounds even supported or am I misplacing my efforts? Also, if I am able to get this resolved, my goal was to be able to perform segmentation across each of the frames in each of the views. I understand segmentation is not supported for US at the moment, so I was wondering what issue is preventing that feature from having been rolled out already.

Thank you for your time in advance!

Try in latest OHIF in master commit, we added support for 4D