Blank viewport with errors while using Orthanc dicom-web

OHIF shows a blank viewport when I use it with Orthanc dicom-web configuration.

Hi All,

I am using Orthanc and OHIF v 3.5 with this dicom-web configuration:

	"DicomWeb": {
		"Enable": true,
		"Root": "/dicom-web/",
		"EnableWado": true,
		"WadoRoot": "/wado",
		"Ssl": false,
		"QidoCaseSensitive": false,
		"Servers": {
			"sample": [""]
		"StudiesMetadata": "MainDicomTags",
		"SeriesMetadata": "MainDicomTags"

When I tried to load the viewer, I got a blank viewport and these errors:

Any help on this topic is appreciated!


That was 1 year ago almost ?


The latest released version of OHIF is 3.6 and is in the release branch. Currently master is the development branch and is targeting a future 3.7 release. So you might want to update.

That said, have a look at the local_orthanc.js configuration file for a sample orthanc configuration.

I hope this helps.