Can i change default route worklist?

i want to change default route in platform/viewer/src/routes/index.js like this

const bakedInRoutes = [
  //my new enter point
    path: '/',
    private: false,
    children: Landing,
  // WORK LIST in new url /worklist ( / -> /worklist)
    path: '/worklist',
    children: DataSourceWrapper,
    private: true,
    props: { children: WorkList },
    path: '/local',
    children: Local,
  // NOT FOUND (404)
  { component: NotFound },

but in browser i see this error

react-dom.development.js:67 Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application. To fix, cancel all subscriptions and asynchronous tasks in a useEffect cleanup function.
    at DataSourceWrapper (file:////Users/dmitrijfomin/web/dicom-annotator/platform/viewer/src/routes/DataSourceWrapper.jsx:59:30)
    at ErrorBoundary (file:////Users/dmitrijfomin/web/dicom-annotator/node_modules/react-error-boundary/dist/react-error-boundary.umd.js:71:37)
    at ErrorBoundary (file:////Users/dmitrijfomin/web/dicom-annotator/platform/ui/src/components/ErrorBoundary/ErrorBoundary.jsx:76:23)
    at RouteWithErrorBoundary (file:////Users/dmitrijfomin/web/dicom-annotator/platform/viewer/src/routes/index.js:93:23)
    at D (file:////Users/dmitrijfomin/web/dicom-annotator/platform/viewer/node_modules/react-router/index.js:35:685)
    at PrivateRoute (file:////Users/dmitrijfomin/web/dicom-annotator/platform/viewer/src/routes/PrivateRoute.jsx:38:94)

how cat i fix this? i want to see my new route as start, and go to /worklist by click button

What is Landing? is it the ViewerRouting? If yes, it requires studyInstanceUID too
This setup of routes would make worklist appear in the worklist and I don’t see why it should not work

make sure that you changed default route of WorkList in WorkList.tsx file .
pathname: ‘/’,
search: search ? ?${search} : undefined,