Change Text Overlay on ViewPort

Describe Your Question

  • I would like to change the Text that is overlayed on the viewport. Instead of “W: ## L: ##” in the upper Left quadrant of the viewport I would like to put “WC/WL ##/##” in the BottomRight of the ViewPort.
  • Currently running 3.8.0-beta.54

What steps can we follow to reproduce the bug?


Could someone point me in the correct direction. I’ve attempted to search the codebase for the Text but have so far come up empty except for a couple of references in the Cypress testing suite.

Thanks in Advance

NM. Found it right after I posted originally. For others looking the component is in

could also use config file

window.config = {
routerBasename: ‘/’,
extensions: ,
modes: ,
customizationService: {
cornerstoneOverlayTopLeft: {
id: ‘cornerstoneOverlayTopLeft’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.cornerstoneOverlay’,
items: [
id: ‘Stage’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.overlayItem’,
title: ‘Stage Name’,
condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.StageName,
contentF: ({ instance }) => instance.StageName,
id: ‘View’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.overlayItem’,
title: ‘View Name’,
condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.ViewName,
contentF: ({ instance }) => instance.ViewName,
id: ‘Timer’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.overlayItem’,
title: ‘Timer Name’,
label: ‘timer =’,
condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.EventElapsedTimes,
contentF: ({ instance, formatters: { formatDuration } }) =>
cornerstoneOverlayTopRight: {
id: ‘cornerstoneOverlayTopRight’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.cornerstoneOverlay’,
items: [
/** {
id: ‘InstanceNumber’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.overlayItem’,
title: ‘Instance Number’,
condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.InstanceNumber,
contentF: ({ instance }) => instance.InstanceNumber,
id: ‘AcquisitionTime’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.overlayItem’,
title: ‘Acquisition Time’,
condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.AcquisitionTime,
contentF: ({ instance, formatters: { formatTime } }) =>
id: ‘HR’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.overlayItem’,
title: ‘Heart Rate’,
condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.HeartRate,
contentF: ({ instance }) => instance.HeartRate + ’ bpm’,

Hi @AugmentedReporting
I also followed your guide and ohif " Customizable Viewport Overlay" document
at Customization Service | OHIF

Unfortunately, the text is not displayed on the viewport.
Could you give me some hints?

please post your config file

Please check my default.js file.

window.config = {
    routerBasename: '/',
    showStudyList: true,
    extensions: [],
    modes: [],
    showWarningMessageForCrossOrigin: true,
    showCPUFallbackMessage: true,
    showLoadingIndicator: true,
    strictZSpacingForVolumeViewport: true,
    defaultDataSourceName: 'dicomweb',
    dataSources: [
            namespace: '@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.dicomweb',
            sourceName: 'dicomweb',
            configuration: {
                friendlyName: 'dcm4chee Server',
                name: 'DCM4CHEE',
                wadoUriRoot: 'http://xxxx/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/wado',
                qidoRoot: 'http://xxxx/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs',
                wadoRoot: 'http://xxxx/dcm4chee-arc/aets/DCM4CHEE/rs',
                qidoSupportsIncludeField: true,
                supportsReject: true,
                imageRendering: 'wadors',
                thumbnailRendering: 'wadors',
                enableStudyLazyLoad: true,
                supportsFuzzyMatching: true,
                supportsWildcard: true,
                dicomUploadEnabled: true,
                bulkDataURI: {
                    enabled: true,
    customizationService: {
        cornerstoneOverlayTopRight: {
            id: 'cornerstoneOverlayTopRight',
            items: [
                    id: 'PatientNameOverlay',
                    customizationType: 'ohif.overlayItem',
                    attribute: 'PatientName',
                    label: 'PN:',
                    title: 'Patient Name',
                    color: 'white',
                    condition: ({ instance }) =>
                        instance &&
                        instance.PatientName &&
                    contentF: ({ instance, formatters: { formatPN } }) => {
                        if (instance && instance.PatientName && instance.PatientName.Alphabetic) {
                            return formatPN(instance.PatientName.Alphabetic);
                        } else {
                            return 'N/A';

I think there is something wrong with our overlays, i saw other people creating issues, i will look