Deference between V3.7.0-beta.30 to now days

Hey Friends . While testing version V3.7.0-beta.30 - everything that belongs for google.js all goes simply fine - I have set the client id correctly with wadoUriRoot qidoRoot wadoRoot to be my dataset in healthcare api .
– EVERYTHING works FINE in this Version –
BUT - when i switch to a newer branch , I successfully can access my studies when i direct to http://localhost:3000/ , but inside a given study i am getting :


   GET 401 (Unauthorized)

There is something in addition that i should do , beside set client id and
wadoUriRoot qidoRoot wadoRoot to my gcp healthcare data set api ?

– All configuration in my google console (auth0,credentials,healthcare api) are the same as configured previously when i successful viewed my material using branch V3.7.0-beta.30

I am frustrated , couldn’t find anything to solve my issue