View in #ohif on Slack
@Riccardo_Sapuppo: I believe there is an issue with reference lines when using multiple viewports with different studies (historical data). They should work based on studyInstanceUID, but the lines are being drawn even between viewports with different studyInstanceUIDs, or not?
@JamesAPetts: Its based on the FrameOfReferenceUID. Multiple Studies can have the same FrameOfReferenceUID if they are co-registered.
@Alireza_Sedghi: There is a option to force it based on one study I beloveds
@Riccardo_Sapuppo: Which option?
toolProps: PublicToolProps = {},
defaultToolProps: ToolProps = {
supportedInteractionTypes: ['Mouse', 'Touch'],
configuration: {
sourceViewportId: '',
enforceSameFrameOfReference: true,
showFullDimension: false,
) {
super(toolProps, defaultToolProps);
// this._throttledCalculateCachedStats = throttle(
// this._calculateCachedStats,
// 100,
// { trailing: true }
// );
@Riccardo_Sapuppo: thank you