Help with Setting Up Ohif v3

I have been attempting to get Ohif, Orthanc, and Keycloak working as outlined here, but I have to give up on it because I can’t get the images to load, and I’m not getting any further help so far. I’ve hit a wall.

So now I’m attempting to get Orthanc & Ohif working again… I hit a wall with it before, but I figured I’d give it a go with Ohif v3 because the default docker container in this git’s (githubDOTcom/hyper4saken/ohif-orthanc.git; sorry about the link; I’m limited to two links) docker-compose.yml is for the docker image ohif/viewer. So I changed the docker image to orthancteam/ohif-v3:latest which specifies:

You may possibly override the default OHIF configuration by providing a custom file in /usr/share/nginx/html/app-config.js

I figured it should just work with that swap because the hyper4saken git provides the ohif.js file (which is properly mounted to the docker container’s app-config.js).

But when I spin up the docker containers, I go to port 3000 and I just get a blank white page. The logs don’t show any errors. In Chrome Developer Tools, it gives me the message:

You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.

I am at a loss. Any ideas how to get v3 working? Here is my docker-compose.yml:

version: "3"
    container_name: orthanc
    image: jodogne/orthanc-plugins
      - 8042:8042
      - 4242:4242
      - ./orthanc.json:/etc/orthanc/orthanc.json:ro
      - ./orthanc_db:/var/lib/orthanc/db/
    restart: always
      - pacs

    container_name: ohif
    image: orthancteam/ohif-v3:latest
      - 3000:80
      - APP_CONFIG:/usr/share/nginx/html/app-config.js
      - ./nginx_ohif.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro
      - ./ohif.js:/usr/share/nginx/html/app-config.js:ro
      - ./logo.png:/usr/share/nginx/html/logo.png:ro
    restart: always
      - pacs

    external: true