How can I add custom querystring?

I am currently implementing a dicom web server and plan to display dicom images with ohif viewer (v2).

When I request qido from my dicom web server, it gets a good response and shows the study list.

But the result I get from dicom webserver will get full data from dicom webserver in DB.

So I plan to filter via “projectId”. How do I append query string when requesting qido, wado etc in ohif viewer?

For example, the current working qido request url
=> http://localhost:4001/rs/studies?limit=25&offset=0&fuzzymatching=false&includefield=all&projectId=abcd1234

I want to add a special querystring like projectId=abcd1234 .

How can I add custom querystring to qido request in ohif viewer?

So, do I need to modify the first page query instead of

With adding StudyDate as per query by select the date as
But I need tohave the StudyDate = “now()-30” - “now()” or only 30 days before now.

I saw in the StudyListRoute.js have this snippet

function StudyListRoute(props) {
  const { history, server, user, studyListFunctionsEnabled } = props;
  const [t] = useTranslation('Common');
  // ~~ STATE
  const [sort, setSort] = useState({
    fieldName: 'PatientName',
    direction: 'desc',
  const [filterValues, setFilterValues] = useState({
    studyDateTo: null,
    studyDateFrom: null,
    PatientName: '',
    PatientID: '',
    AccessionNumber: '',
    StudyDate: '',
    modalities: '',
    StudyDescription: '',
    patientNameOrId: '',
    accessionOrModalityOrDescription: '',
    allFields: '',

the studyDateTo is null and studyDateFrom is null as well.

Am I in the right file to modify it? And how can I modify this to fulfill my requirement?

Thank you
Fadjar Tandabawana

The ohif viewer has a filter function.

In the case of v3, it is as follows, and the URL requested by selecting the start date and end date is as follows.

I think this URL will help you