How to let dist website support json datasource

Dear all:
i have built 2 websites on my vitual Server :slightly_smiling_face:
1 is yarn run dev website ,it can works normal with json datasource
2 is built by myself with “dist” folder, it can not works with json datasource(the same json datasource with website 1)

website 1:

website 2:
the error means can not find file or dictory

CORS setting
1.json website

2.dist website

direclty visit dist website works normal:

How to let dist website support json datasource?
thank you very much !!!

Dear all :slightly_smiling_face: i have solved this problems
please modify
import { BrowserRouter as Router } from ‘react-router-dom’;

replace as:

import { HashRouter as Router } from ‘react-router-dom’;
then yarn run build a new dist folder
the URL will become :slightly_smiling_face:

thank you ! please close this issue

Can you check the last fix that was pushed to v3-stable to see if it has resolved your issue?
I suspect your metadata is not correctly organized (see the sample JSON file)