How to sync measurement tools across viewports?

How do I sync measurements created across different custom viewports?
It happens in the CT/PT viewports, but I’m trying to sync it with other viewports.
Can anyone tell me where to look at in the codebase to get an idea from?
I’ve tried syncing the zoom/pan tools using syncgroups, but a similar implementation is not available for syncing measurement tools.

Thank you.

OHIF v 3.7

When using volume viewports, the content will appear in the frameOfReferenceUID and be visible in both views. However, this is not the case with stack viewports.

So I have multiple CT/PT viewports with different studies loaded.
I was to sync the measurement tools for all the loaded studies. Currently they sync across a single study with CT/PT viewport.
I want to sync with different studies as well.
All are volume viewports.
How can I do this?
Sync groups aren’t working.