Image Metadata not Fetched Correctly from DICOM Store
- I am currently using the OHIF viewer (v3.7) for implementing a whole slide image viewer for my project’s dicom studies present in the dicom store.
- On running the application, the viewer is able to fetch all the studies present in the dicom store, but the instance number is not generated, leading to the viewer not functioning as required. Console logs also indicate a failure to find MRN.
- Below, I have attached two screenshots of the viewers representation of the same study, one when that image is fetched from DICOM store, and another when I upload it from my local using the default configuration.
Current Behavior:
I have not made any modifications to the code, just changed the ‘google.js’ config file with my project’s clientID, wadoUriRoot, qidoRoot, and wadoRoot; and changed the .env file to use this as the app’s configuration.