Issues about display overlay dicom tag data such as patient info on the viewport

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Ohif viewer 3.8.0
Dcm4chee 5.31.2 (docker)
Ubuntu 22.04

I’d like to display overlay dicom tag data such as patient info on the viewport.

I followed the link

and added below into public/config/default.js in windows.config block, but expected information is not displayed.

Any help will be appreciated.

customizationService: {
cornerstoneOverlayTopLeft: {
id: ‘cornerstoneOverlayTopLeft’,
items: [
id: ‘WindowLevel’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.overlayItem.windowLevel’,
id: ‘PatientName’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.overlayItem’,
label: ‘’,
color: ‘green’,
background: ‘white’,
condition: ({ instance }) =>
instance && instance.PatientName && instance.PatientName.Alphabetic,
contentF: ({ instance, formatters: { formatPN } }) =>
formatPN(instance.PatientName.Alphabetic) +
’ ’ +
(instance.PatientSex ? ‘(’ + instance.PatientSex + ‘)’ : ‘’),
id: ‘Species’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.overlayItem’,
label: ‘Species:’,
condition: ({ instance }) =>
instance && instance.PatientSpeciesDescription,
contentF: ({ instance }) =>
instance.PatientSpeciesDescription +
‘/’ +
id: ‘PID’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.overlayItem’,
label: ‘PID:’,
title: ‘Patient PID’,
condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.PatientID,
contentF: ({ instance }) => instance.PatientID,
id: ‘PatientBirthDate’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.overlayItem’,
label: ‘DOB:’,
title: “Patient’s Date of birth”,
condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.PatientBirthDate,
contentF: ({ instance }) => instance.PatientBirthDate,
id: ‘OtherPid’,
customizationType: ‘ohif.overlayItem’,
label: ‘Other PID:’,
title: ‘Other Patient IDs’,
condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.OtherPatientIDs,
contentF: ({ instance, formatters: { formatPN } }) =>
cornerstoneOverlayTopRight: {
id: ‘cornerstoneOverlayTopRight’,

  items: [
      id: 'InstanceNmber',
      customizationType: 'ohif.overlayItem.instanceNumber',
      id: 'StudyDescription',
      customizationType: 'ohif.overlayItem',
      label: '',
      title: ({ instance }) =>
        instance &&
        instance.StudyDescription &&
        `Study Description: ${instance.StudyDescription}`,
      condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.StudyDescription,
      contentF: ({ instance }) => instance.StudyDescription,
      id: 'StudyDate',
      customizationType: 'ohif.overlayItem',
      label: '',
      title: 'Study date',
      condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.StudyDate,
      contentF: ({ instance, formatters: { formatDate } }) =>
      id: 'StudyTime',
      customizationType: 'ohif.overlayItem',
      label: '',
      title: 'Study time',
      condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.StudyTime,
      contentF: ({ instance, formatters: { formatTime } }) =>
cornerstoneOverlayBottomLeft: {
  id: 'cornerstoneOverlayBottomLeft',

  items: [
      id: 'SeriesNumber',
      customizationType: 'ohif.overlayItem',
      label: 'Ser:',
      title: 'Series Number',
      condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.SeriesNumber,
      contentF: ({ instance }) => instance.SeriesNumber,
      id: 'SliceLocation',
      customizationType: 'ohif.overlayItem',
      label: 'Loc:',
      title: 'Slice Location',
      condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.SliceLocation,
      contentF: ({ instance, formatters: { formatNumberPrecision } }) =>
        formatNumberPrecision(instance.SliceLocation, 2) + ' mm',
      id: 'SliceThickness',
      customizationType: 'ohif.overlayItem',
      label: 'Thick:',
      title: 'Slice Thickness',
      condition: ({ instance }) => instance && instance.SliceThickness,
      contentF: ({ instance, formatters: { formatNumberPrecision } }) =>
        formatNumberPrecision(instance.SliceThickness, 2) + ' mm',


It doesn’t work any more since 3.8 for me.

Can you try again with latest, if did not work, create an issue for us

Can you check the latest OHIF viewer, which now includes Cornerstone 3D 2.0?

Here are the migration guides:

Try OHIF locally: OHIF Viewer
Try Cornerstone3D 2.0 locally:

It works on 3.9.x

Thank you!

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