MPR view not coming

MPR view is not working for me.

  • I’m using react js and django application in which i integrated OHIF viewer iframe.
  • OHIF viewer 3.3 (itseems) the one with download here link in iframe page.
  • i have scripts to fetch and display all the dicom files which present in my local django media folder… i have been struck with MPR view for weeks… i even sort out cross origin isolation.
  • Is there any Dicom tags or code should i specifically write for MPR view? I’m amateur in coding kindly help in getting the MPR view works pls :pleading_face:
    Im getting applying hanging protocol error… In my console window.crossoriginisolated is true only still I’m getting error kindly help…

anyone helpme pls im still stuck with MPR view apply hanging protocol error

Hi @athma
were you able to tackle the error if yes, could you please share your repo. I am working with dicom viewer in django application using cornerstone3d as well. Im having trouble while rendering the volume from a set of dicom images.