OHIF on small screen

When I open OHIF on a small screen device (mobile phone), a section with the serie objects of the study always appears on the left side. Since the screen is so small, it’s quite intrusive and I always end up hitting the button to hide that panel.

Is there any configuration so that when a study is opened the left panel is not shown? And if I go further, could I configure that panel to appear or not, depending on the resolution of the device used to open the OHIF?

OHIF versions:
-On a OHIF v2 there is a toggle switch named “Series” to hide/show series objects of the study on the left side.
-On OHIF v3 there is a toggle switch named “Studies” to hide/show series objects of the study on the left side.

for v1-meteor,

              "public": {
                            "ui": {
                                    "leftSidebarOpen": true, // display thumbnails by default...

not sure if this will work in v2 or v3

I have the same question, but it seems there is no more the leftSidebarOpen option anymore. Does it exist somewhere else?

NOTE: directly in the code I switch leftPanelDefaultClosed to true, and then it is closed by default (but this is a hardcoded change, not very clean)

You can add an if to check the width of the screen on that variable nicoesiea said, and let it be closed or open by default depending on the screen it is open in:

leftPanelDefaultClosed: window.innerWidth < 1000 ? true : false,