Still thinking about this. Working on having my nodejs server return a json file to ohif. Still
have to figure out configuration details in OHIF to have it speak to my server. Again, if someone has pointers than help would be much appreciated.
URL: OHIF Viewer
"studies": [
// first study metadata
"StudyInstanceUID": "",
"StudyDate": "20000101",
"StudyTime": "",
"PatientName": "",
"PatientID": "LIDC-IDRI-0001",
"AccessionNumber": "",
"PatientAge": "",
"PatientSex": "",
"series": [
// first series metadata
"SeriesInstanceUID": "",
"SeriesNumber": 3000566,
"Modality": "CT",
"SliceThickness": 2.5,
"instances": [
// first instance metadata
"metadata": {
"Columns": 512,
"Rows": 512,
"InstanceNumber": 1,
"SOPClassUID": "1.2.840.10008.",
"PhotometricInterpretation": "MONOCHROME2",
"BitsAllocated": 16,
"BitsStored": 16,
"PixelRepresentation": 1,
"SamplesPerPixel": 1,
"PixelSpacing": [0.703125, 0.703125],
"HighBit": 15,
"ImageOrientationPatient": [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
"ImagePositionPatient": [-166, -171.699997, -10],
"FrameOfReferenceUID": "",
"ImageType": ["ORIGINAL", "PRIMARY", "AXIAL"],
"Modality": "CT",
"SOPInstanceUID": "",
"SeriesInstanceUID": "",
"StudyInstanceUID": "",
"WindowCenter": -600,
"WindowWidth": 1600,
"SeriesDate": "20000101"
"url": "dicomweb:"
// second instance metadata
"metadata": {
"Columns": 512,
"Rows": 512,
"InstanceNumber": 2,
"SOPClassUID": "1.2.840.10008.",
"PhotometricInterpretation": "MONOCHROME2",
"BitsAllocated": 16,
"BitsStored": 16,
"PixelRepresentation": 1,
"SamplesPerPixel": 1,
"PixelSpacing": [0.703125, 0.703125],
"HighBit": 15,
"ImageOrientationPatient": [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
"ImagePositionPatient": [-166, -171.699997, -12.5],
"FrameOfReferenceUID": "",
"ImageType": ["ORIGINAL", "PRIMARY", "AXIAL"],
"Modality": "CT",
"SOPInstanceUID": "",
"SeriesInstanceUID": "",
"StudyInstanceUID": "",
"WindowCenter": -600,
"WindowWidth": 1600,
"SeriesDate": "20000101"
"url": "dicomweb:"
// ..... other instances metadata
// ... other series metadata
"NumInstances": 133,
"Modalities": "CT"
// second study metadata
In this example pasted above, I am curious as to what the url would be. Also, I did not understand the url scheme as it seemed to be looking at a folder structure in the server it’s making a request to.