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@suneetha_j: Hi, I am wondering the demo of, is superfast in loading the study/series to the viewport or MPR/3D anything, but why in my application it is too slow in loading, sometimes even crashing the browser .Could anyone please let me know the secret of it.
@JamesAPetts: This is entirely dependent on how your DICOMWeb server is set up (assuming you are using DICOMWeb), or how you integrate with your backend service if using a custom DataSource.
OHIF’s demo resources are also hosted on a static dicom web server iirc, so they are super fast as the P10 are already split into DICOM JSON + frames, which your PACS may not be doing (it may be doing it on the fly).
@suneetha_j: Thanks for the information @JamesAPetts
@JamesAPetts I could not able to load PR,SR,SEG, RTStruct etc in my viewer with my dicomJSON, wil it not work with this JSON Datasource ? Is there any other way ?
@JamesAPetts: I’m not sure, I haven’t used the dicom json datasource in a long time. You are probably missing headers since those files contain a lot of necessary metadata (nearly all of it).
@Alireza_Sedghi might now if dicomjson payloads are fully compatible with all these derived types. It may be possible no one has ever tried it.
@Alireza_Sedghi: Expanding on dicom json is on the roadmap since i see a lot of request
we will get to it
@JamesAPetts: I guess the solution is to use DICOMWeb .
@suneetha_j: Thanks @Alireza_Sedghi @JamesAPetts