Production build only works once


I just trying to build production of OHIF 3.8.3. Downloaded source files, installed dependencies and run the required commands. OHIF builded successfully but when i change some configuration and want to rebuild the project there is not an error but it is not building again. I tried to run clean commands and manually clean the cache files but no luck. Am i missing something or is there a problem with build system?

What steps can we follow to reproduce the bug?

  1. Download and build OHIF 3.8.3
  2. Change a configuration for example in the .env file change PUBLIC_URL=/ohif/
  3. Try to build with yarn run build command. (it is quickly completes)
  4. There is not any error on the console but platform/app/dist folder contains first build


NX caches some files, try to run nx reset / ./node_modules/.bin/nx reset to remove cache. Hope that helps.

I am using windows and when i run the npx nx reset command then project built.
But I should reset everytime i want to build.


@volkans80 You can go on your nx.json
And delete options here

"tasksRunnerOptions": {
    "default": {
      "runner": "nx/tasks-runners/default",
      "options": {
           //Delete info here

Before that, save them somewhere if you need them after.