Query the DICOM image stored on DCM4CHEE from my EMR via OHIF viewer using patientID and AccessionNumber instead of studyID


i have OHIF and DCM4CHEE installed on a Docker Container, and i am able to send an HL7 order from my EMR application to DCM4CHEE Modality work list (MWL). The order contains PatientID, name, AccessionNumber.

My Modality is able to query the MWL, and send DICOM images back to DCM4CHEE PACS server. I can view my DICOM images on the PACS using OHIF viewer with the studyID generated by the Modality. like this (http://localhost:3000/viewer/studyID)

1) how can i query the DICOM image from my EMR via OHIF viewer using patientID and AccessionNumber instead of studyID.

E.g (http://locahost:3000/viewer?patientID=1001&AccessionNumber=1234567)

because the EMR does not have the copy of studyID generated by the modality


2) Is it possible to generate studyID from the EMR and send it to the PACS and Modality. so that the EMR can use the studyID to query the PACS via OHIF viewer


3) Is it possible for the PACS to update the EMR with studyID generated by the ModalitY