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@Tuan_Nguyen: Currently i am having an issue display segmentation on viewport.
First i load the dicom image, then i use the tool brush to draw the label map, and then export. After that I import the seg file back in and here the segment slice jump around.
@Chris_Chung: Believe we’ve encountered this before, our segment slices were out of order. We had to sort it again before loading it in
@Tuan_Nguyen: @Chris_Chung do you know what is the cause of the issue? And how do you sort it?
@Chris_Chung: The issue was upstream of cornerstone, the DICOM web server we were using sent the segments out of order. We just used a sort function in TS before we loaded it into the image loader
@Tuan_Nguyen: I load the dicom ct first, then use local upload for seg file. The order is so randomly, so how should i approach this?
@Chris_Chung strangely, if I do the same with the demo data, export the seg file and local import again, it wouldn’t be an issue.
#1305 feat(createImageIdsAndCacheMetaData): Add Sort Instance Number
Comment on #1170 [Bug] how to load dicom-segment data
@Tuan_Nguyen: @Chris_Chung thank you so much, I will read into this