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Is there a way to remove or unload a Structured Report from the viewport?
I’m using OHIF v3.7.0
What steps can we follow to reproduce the bug?
- Open a study that has a DICOM Structured Report (SR)
- Double click the SR to apply measurements on the viewport
At this point, how can I remove/hide/unload the SR from the viewport?
Is there a Show/Hide functionality?
You can simply exclude sr displayset From ThumbnailBrowser by adding
excludeFromThumbnailBrowser: true
to the displayset dict located in extensions/cornerstone-dicom-sr/src/getSopClassHandlerModule.ts after key
approximately at line 145.
I do not want to exclude it.
I’m asking for some form of show/hide functionality.
So, if SR measurements are showing in the viewport, how do I hide them?
I can simply double click or drag the SR from the left sidebar to the viewport to show it.
I guess you could do it programatically by using the MeasurementService.remove method.
I don’t know if there is a way to do it otherwise. If there is, I would like to know it too ^^
You can click on the X on each thumbnail that will remove them