Ultrasound loading sluggish

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I am experimenting with OHIV 3.9.0-beta.21, straight from the github repo. I set up a local orthanc server and run via “yarn run dev:orthanc”.

I put two US studies into my orthanc, each containing five instances of 2D US, 1024x768 pixels with between 800 and 1200 frames per instance. When I double-click and load one of them, I can start the cine tool playback. However, it is often noticeably sluggish at first and generally freezes after 200-ish frames, then advancing in fits and starts. The image freezes, while the frame counter in lower right keeps advancing. When it loops around back to frame 1, the image playback resumes, but will freeze again at some point. It appears that the data is still loading – sometimes I see a “Loading” annotation displayed.

If I let it play through several times (maybe 5 times?), then it does seem to be fully loaded and plays at the desired speed.

I can understand that the images are demand-loaded. Is this something that can be tweaked? For my intended application, the user should choose a US and have the entire thing loaded for some background processing - in addition to viewing.

It seems like the frames are only loaded by attempting to view (e.g. by cine). I loaded an instance with 1000 frames, let it sit for a few minutes, and I still see sluggish behaviour when I start the cine. Is there a tweak that will initiate the loading straightaway?

The DICOM transfer syntax is JPEG Baseline (Process 1).


I forgot to note: I am running Debian linux and using the Brave web browser. Would either of these contribute to sluggish performance?

update to the latest orthanc since older versions had loading performance issues

That’s interesting, thanks. I had been using Orthanc 1.12.3. Is that too old?

Another note is that I also find sluggish behaviour if I simply load from file (no orthanc) by using the “/local” url trick. So maybe it’s not orthanc at all?

My colleague has tested on windows and reports adequate performance. Are there any “watchouts” for running on linux?

It’s interesting that it runs fine on Windows; it seems the issue lies with browsers on Linux.