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@Peter_Newhook: Is there an example of using the dicomeImageLoader with DICOM files served by a custom HTTP server, not WADO-RS/WADO-URI?
@Rod_Fitzsimmons_Frey: The wadouri image loader can handle any http endpoint that serves up a P10 dicom file. The trick is to prepend ‘wadouri:’ to your URL.
There’s an example in packages/dicomImageLoader/examples/dicomImageLoaderWADOURI that loads from <>
@Peter_Newhook: Thanks, I’ll look there.
@Quasar_Jarosz: Although it’s not working for me in 2.0. Let me know if it goes well for you
@Peter_Newhook: I’m loading volumes, and this example seems to do what I’m looking for with images loaded from non-WADO-RS URLS. The example is live at
<cornerstone3D/packages/core/examples/volumeBasicWadoUri/index.ts at b922cdc85eba1e60b7a7bb6cb7d7309921aefcbe · cornerstonejs/cornerstone3D · GitHub | index.ts>