Visibility of Annotations from different series with matching FrameOfReference

I posted this [feature request] issue to Cornerstone3D 3 weeks ago, and there seems to be little interest in it. So I’m presenting the request here to see if this community has more interest.

Radiologists that do spine labeling initially do so from a series of Sagittal images where the
entire spine cross-section is available.
Afterwards they wish to find the same label on the axial-like images where individual disk cross-sections are displayed.

Unfortunately, Cornerstone3D’s annotations are only rendered on the original series.

I coded up changes to allow these label points to be shown on any series that has the same DICOM frameOfReference UID (0020,0052). This way, the radiologist can safely know which disk is being shown. There were additional parameters necessary

  1. which annotation types to allow, as many are 2-dimensional in nature and are unlikely to fall on the same imaging plane of other series (like axial images vs sagittal images).
    Spine labeling frequently uses ArrowAnnotation which references a single point in patient coords.
  2. some tolerance distance is needed that allows the annotation point to be rendered if it is some small distance from the imaging plane.

Today, radiologists can use reference lines from a pair of viewports to achieve a similar effect, but does require the space for both the sagittal and axial-like viewports.

Those that share this or similar needs can express so here and in the Cornerstone3D issue from John-Skinner #1424

I will answer in github