Which is the current stable version of OHIF viewer

hello team,
can you provide details on the current stable version of OHLF Viewer?
Specifically, I would like to know the version number, release date and any key features or improvements included in the version. Additionally, could you guide me on how to ensure I am using the stable version in my project


You can find data on that on the Github release page. There are a lot of pre-releases, but you should be able to find the “stable” releases with their features easily (I assumed here that everything that is not a pre-release is considered stable which may be wrong).

Note: There is a quick link to the latest non-pre-release on the repo page.


first of all thank you…
While attempting to build the OHIF Viewer using Docker with the command docker-compose up --build, the process fails during the RUN yarn run build step. The build appears to hang and then eventually fails after significant progress, particularly during the webpack compilation phase.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Clone the OHIF Viewer repository.
  2. Navigate to the Nginx-Orthanc directory.
  3. Run docker-compose up --build.
  4. The build process initiates but fails during the webpack build step.

output that I get:
[+] Building 496.7s (17/18) docker:desktop-linux
=> [ohif_viewer internal] load build definition from dockerfile …
=> WARN: FromAsCasing: ‘as’ and ‘FROM’ keywords’ casing d …
=> [ohif_viewer builder 8/8] RUN yarn run build …

[ohif_viewer builder 8/8] RUN yarn run build:
$ lerna run build:viewer --stream
$ cross-env NODE_ENV=production yarn run build
$ node --max_old_space_size=8096 ./…/…/node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --progress --config .webpack/webpack.pwa.js
<webpack.Progress> …

the expected behaviour : the build process should complete successfully without hanging or failing.

Hi, there is no Nginx-Orthanc directory on the master branch of the repo. Are you on a different branch ?

NOTE: docker-compose is deprecated in favor of docker compose, maybe you can try updating Docker if you are on an older version and retry with the new command

why it shows this error

You can look here