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I’m trying to implement a save button but I’m having difficulties fitting the image into the canvas reliably. Here is the code I’m using
let downloadRenderingEngine = new RenderingEngine(this.downloadRenderingEngineId);
const displayArea: Types.DisplayArea = {
type: 'SCALE', // needs to be scale to make it fit the canvas
scale: 1,
// Centered with no border
imageArea: [1, 1],
imageCanvasPoint: {
imagePoint: [0.5, 0.5],
canvasPoint: [0.5, 0.5],
storeAsInitialCamera: true
const viewportInput = {
viewportId: this.downloadViewportId,
element: document.getElementById(this.downloadViewportId) as HTMLDivElement,
type: this.payload.activeViewport.type,
defaultOptions: {
// background: this.activeViewport.defaultOptions.background,
// orientation: this.activeViewport.defaultOptions.orientation,
displayArea: displayArea
} as Types.PublicViewportInput;
const downloadViewport = this.downloadRenderingEngine.getViewport(this.downloadViewportId);
if (downloadViewport instanceof StackViewport) {
const imageId = this.activeViewport.getCurrentImageId();
const properties = this.activeViewport.getProperties();
downloadViewport.setStack([imageId]).then(() => {
try {
const toolGroup = ToolGroupManager.getToolGroupForViewport(,!;
// add the viewport to the toolGroup
const addAnnotations: boolean = true;
Object.keys(toolGroup.getToolInstances()).forEach(toolName => {
// make all tools Enabled so that they can not be interacted with in the download viewport
if (addAnnotations && toolName !== CrosshairsTool.toolName) {
try {
} catch (e) {
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
const activeViewportCamera = this.activeViewport.getCamera();
downloadViewport.setCamera({ flipHorizontal: activeViewportCamera.flipHorizontal, flipVertical: activeViewportCamera.flipVertical });
downloadViewport.setViewPresentation({ rotation: activeViewportCamera.rotation });
// calling viewport resize doesn't do anything
// downloadViewport.resize();
// downloadViewport.render();
// calling engine resize works, but behavior is not consistent
}, 0);
} catch (e) {
// Happens on clicking the cancel button
console.warn('Unable to set properties', e);
I have a feeling I’m missing something straightforward… your help would be greatly appreciated. My approach is like
- Create a new viewport with exactly same size as image. If image was rotated by 90 degrees, I will match that on new viewport (height becomes width and vice versa)…
- Then will render the image on new viewport and convert it to image