Zoom to fit the viewport

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I’m trying to implement a save button but I’m having difficulties fitting the image into the canvas reliably. Here is the code I’m using

let downloadRenderingEngine = new RenderingEngine(this.downloadRenderingEngineId);

const displayArea: Types.DisplayArea = {
        type: 'SCALE', // needs to be scale to make it fit the canvas
        scale: 1,
        // Centered with no border
        imageArea: [1, 1],
        imageCanvasPoint: {
            imagePoint: [0.5, 0.5],
            canvasPoint: [0.5, 0.5],
        storeAsInitialCamera: true

    const viewportInput = {
        viewportId: this.downloadViewportId,
        element: document.getElementById(this.downloadViewportId) as HTMLDivElement,
        type: this.payload.activeViewport.type,
        defaultOptions: {
            // background: this.activeViewport.defaultOptions.background,
            // orientation: this.activeViewport.defaultOptions.orientation,
            displayArea: displayArea
    } as Types.PublicViewportInput;


    const downloadViewport = this.downloadRenderingEngine.getViewport(this.downloadViewportId);

    if (downloadViewport instanceof StackViewport) {
        const imageId = this.activeViewport.getCurrentImageId();
        const properties = this.activeViewport.getProperties();

        downloadViewport.setStack([imageId]).then(() => {
            try {
                const toolGroup = ToolGroupManager.getToolGroupForViewport(this.activeViewport.id, this.payload.renderingEngine.id)!;

                // add the viewport to the toolGroup
                toolGroup.addViewport(downloadViewport.id, this.downloadRenderingEngine.id);
                 const addAnnotations: boolean = true;
                 Object.keys(toolGroup.getToolInstances()).forEach(toolName => {
                     // make all tools Enabled so that they can not be interacted with in the download viewport

                     if (addAnnotations && toolName !== CrosshairsTool.toolName) {
                         try {
                         } catch (e) {
                     } else {

                setTimeout(() => {
                     const activeViewportCamera = this.activeViewport.getCamera();
                     downloadViewport.setCamera({ flipHorizontal: activeViewportCamera.flipHorizontal, flipVertical: activeViewportCamera.flipVertical });
                     downloadViewport.setViewPresentation({ rotation: activeViewportCamera.rotation });

                   // calling viewport resize doesn't do anything
                   // downloadViewport.resize();
                   // downloadViewport.render();

                   // calling engine resize works, but behavior is not consistent
                }, 0);

            } catch (e) {
                // Happens on clicking the cancel button
                console.warn('Unable to set properties', e);

I have a feeling I’m missing something straightforward… your help would be greatly appreciated. My approach is like

  • Create a new viewport with exactly same size as image. If image was rotated by 90 degrees, I will match that on new viewport (height becomes width and vice versa)…
  • Then will render the image on new viewport and convert it to image

This example should show how


There are some bugs in the setDisplayArea that we are fixing right now