Hello everyone,
I am new to DICOM and image processing. I would like to export the image and coordinates of ROI in the image in order to do image processing. How do I extract the coordinates? Any information regarding this will be helpful.
Oh you are right, we are not exporting coordinates by default, but they are available in the measurement, see below (points are the thing you are looking for)
Sorry to bother you again. This extention and file is not available in this
Did I do something wrong with cloning the repo? I got little confused because also the interface you gave me is different from the one I have which is this and there is no export :
I gave a link to OHIF-v3 which is in alpha right now. There should be similar function in v2 (that I see you use in your screenshot), if not you can take a look on how csv is generated and add a button to save it yourself