View in #cornerstone3d on Slack
@Leo_Reubelt: i have a series that has 384 rows, 384 columns, and 2000 slices.
the cached volume is 384 x 384 x 2000, as i would expect.
when i display the volume in a coronal viewport, the image size is 384 x 384, which also makes sense.
however when i display the the volume in a coronal viewport, the size is 384 x about 808. why is the image size not 384 x 2000?
@Robbie_Barton: SliceThickness is figured in, at least that’s my assumption.
@Leo_Reubelt: thanks. i tried that. but the math does not work out. the math also does not work out if i use image position patient.
@Bill_Wallace: Is the series orthogonal to the axial/sagittal/coronal viewplanes? That is, does the image orientation vector have +/- 1 and 0 in it?
@Leo_Reubelt: yes.
@Bill_Wallace: Are you ordering the series by increasing position before sending it to be displayed? The first/last image are sometimes used to determine how many slices, and if those are not the first/last position you can get the size calculations wrong.
@Leo_Reubelt: i am not. i will look at that. thanks. that would be ordering the image ids when i cache the volume?
@Bill_Wallace: Before load - I’m not quite sure for CS3D how that normally happens. In OHIF there is a separate step for it.