Ohif configuration for public domain

I want to configure a Public domain on ohif viewer with https, i have installted a latest version of ohif viewer, eveerything is works fine.i only problem i have faced that viewer is not running over https and public domain

currently i have setup a iframe code with http://IP:3000 its working over http with not secure option please guide me how can i configure public domain on my ohif viewer

here is my default.js code

window.config = {
  routerBasename: '/',
  // whiteLabeling: {},
  extensions: [],
  modes: [],
  customizationService: {},
  showStudyList: true,
  // some windows systems have issues with more than 3 web workers
  maxNumberOfWebWorkers: 3,
  // below flag is for performance reasons, but it might not work for all servers
  showWarningMessageForCrossOrigin: true,
  showCPUFallbackMessage: true,
  showLoadingIndicator: true,
  strictZSpacingForVolumeViewport: true,
  maxNumRequests: {
    interaction: 100,
    thumbnail: 75,
    // Prefetch number is dependent on the http protocol. For http 2 or
    // above, the number of requests can be go a lot higher.
    prefetch: 25,
  // filterQueryParam: false,
  defaultDataSourceName: 'dicomweb',
  /* Dynamic config allows user to pass "configUrl" query string this allows to load config without recompiling application. The regex will ensure valid configuration source */
  // dangerouslyUseDynamicConfig: {
  //   enabled: true,
  //   // regex will ensure valid configuration source and default is /.*/ which matches any character. To use this, setup your own regex to choose a specific source of configuration only.
  //   // Example 1, to allow numbers and letters in an absolute or sub-path only.
  //   // regex: /(0-9A-Za-z.]+)(\/[0-9A-Za-z.]+)*/
  //   // Example 2, to restricts to either hosptial.com or othersite.com.
  //   // regex: /(https:\/\/hospital.com(\/[0-9A-Za-z.]+)*)|(https:\/\/othersite.com(\/[0-9A-Za-z.]+)*)/
  //   regex: /.*/,
  // },
  dataSources: [
      namespace: '@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.dicomweb',
      sourceName: 'dicomweb',
      configuration: {
        friendlyName: 'AWS S3 Static wado server',
        name: 'aws',
        wadoUriRoot: 'https://d33do7qe4w26qo.cloudfront.net/dicomweb',
        qidoRoot: 'https://d33do7qe4w26qo.cloudfront.net/dicomweb',
        wadoRoot: 'https://d33do7qe4w26qo.cloudfront.net/dicomweb',
        qidoSupportsIncludeField: false,
        imageRendering: 'wadors',
        thumbnailRendering: 'wadors',
        enableStudyLazyLoad: true,
        supportsFuzzyMatching: false,
        supportsWildcard: true,
        staticWado: true,
        singlepart: 'bulkdata,video',
        // whether the data source should use retrieveBulkData to grab metadata,
        // and in case of relative path, what would it be relative to, options
        // are in the series level or study level (some servers like series some study)
        bulkDataURI: {
          enabled: true,
          relativeResolution: 'studies',
        omitQuotationForMultipartRequest: true,
      namespace: '@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.dicomweb',
      sourceName: 'dicomweb2',
      configuration: {
        friendlyName: 'AWS S3 Static wado secondary server',
        name: 'aws',
        wadoUriRoot: 'https://d28o5kq0jsoob5.cloudfront.net/dicomweb',
        qidoRoot: 'https://d28o5kq0jsoob5.cloudfront.net/dicomweb',
        wadoRoot: 'https://d28o5kq0jsoob5.cloudfront.net/dicomweb',
        qidoSupportsIncludeField: false,
        supportsReject: false,
        imageRendering: 'wadors',
        thumbnailRendering: 'wadors',
        enableStudyLazyLoad: true,
        supportsFuzzyMatching: false,
        supportsWildcard: true,
        staticWado: true,
        singlepart: 'bulkdata,video',
        // whether the data source should use retrieveBulkData to grab metadata,
        // and in case of relative path, what would it be relative to, options
        // are in the series level or study level (some servers like series some study)
        bulkDataURI: {
          enabled: true,
          relativeResolution: 'studies',
        omitQuotationForMultipartRequest: true,
      namespace: '@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.dicomwebproxy',
      sourceName: 'dicomwebproxy',
      configuration: {
        friendlyName: 'dicomweb delegating proxy',
        name: 'dicomwebproxy',
      namespace: '@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.dicomjson',
      sourceName: 'dicomjson',
      configuration: {
        friendlyName: 'dicom json',
        name: 'json',
      namespace: '@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.dicomlocal',
      sourceName: 'dicomlocal',
      configuration: {
        friendlyName: 'dicom local',
  httpErrorHandler: error => {
    // This is 429 when rejected from the public idc sandbox too often.

    // Could use services manager here to bring up a dialog/modal if needed.
    console.warn('test, navigate to https://ohif.org/');
  // whiteLabeling: {
  //   /* Optional: Should return a React component to be rendered in the "Logo" section of the application's Top Navigation bar */
  //   createLogoComponentFn: function (React) {
  //     return React.createElement(
  //       'a',
  //       {
  //         target: '_self',
  //         rel: 'noopener noreferrer',
  //         className: 'text-purple-600 line-through',
  //         href: '/',
  //       },
  //       React.createElement('img',
  //         {
  //           src: './assets/customLogo.svg',
  //           className: 'w-8 h-8',
  //         }
  //       ))
  //   },
  // },
  hotkeys: [
      commandName: 'incrementActiveViewport',
      label: 'Next Viewport',
      keys: ['right'],
      commandName: 'decrementActiveViewport',
      label: 'Previous Viewport',
      keys: ['left'],
    { commandName: 'rotateViewportCW', label: 'Rotate Right', keys: ['r'] },
    { commandName: 'rotateViewportCCW', label: 'Rotate Left', keys: ['l'] },
    { commandName: 'invertViewport', label: 'Invert', keys: ['i'] },
      commandName: 'flipViewportHorizontal',
      label: 'Flip Horizontally',
      keys: ['h'],
      commandName: 'flipViewportVertical',
      label: 'Flip Vertically',
      keys: ['v'],
    { commandName: 'scaleUpViewport', label: 'Zoom In', keys: ['+'] },
    { commandName: 'scaleDownViewport', label: 'Zoom Out', keys: ['-'] },
    { commandName: 'fitViewportToWindow', label: 'Zoom to Fit', keys: ['='] },
    { commandName: 'resetViewport', label: 'Reset', keys: ['space'] },
    { commandName: 'nextImage', label: 'Next Image', keys: ['down'] },
    { commandName: 'previousImage', label: 'Previous Image', keys: ['up'] },
    // {
    //   commandName: 'previousViewportDisplaySet',
    //   label: 'Previous Series',
    //   keys: ['pagedown'],
    // },
    // {
    //   commandName: 'nextViewportDisplaySet',
    //   label: 'Next Series',
    //   keys: ['pageup'],
    // },
      commandName: 'setToolActive',
      commandOptions: { toolName: 'Zoom' },
      label: 'Zoom',
      keys: ['z'],
    // ~ Window level presets
      commandName: 'windowLevelPreset1',
      label: 'W/L Preset 1',
      keys: ['1'],
      commandName: 'windowLevelPreset2',
      label: 'W/L Preset 2',
      keys: ['2'],
      commandName: 'windowLevelPreset3',
      label: 'W/L Preset 3',
      keys: ['3'],
      commandName: 'windowLevelPreset4',
      label: 'W/L Preset 4',
      keys: ['4'],
      commandName: 'windowLevelPreset5',
      label: 'W/L Preset 5',
      keys: ['5'],
      commandName: 'windowLevelPreset6',
      label: 'W/L Preset 6',
      keys: ['6'],
      commandName: 'windowLevelPreset7',
      label: 'W/L Preset 7',
      keys: ['7'],
      commandName: 'windowLevelPreset8',
      label: 'W/L Preset 8',
      keys: ['8'],
      commandName: 'windowLevelPreset9',
      label: 'W/L Preset 9',
      keys: ['9'],

One of the easier solutions for this is to use nginx as a proxy in front of your OHIF web server and install a certificate from Let’s Encrypt. There are quite a few articles on the web for how to do this. E.g.,

How to use nginx as a reverse-proxy with letsencrypt (github.com)

Todd Jensen, PhD
Jensen Informatics LLC