Unable to save measurements for PX modality images

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  • Hello! I am new to OHIF and recently started exploring it. I am currently trying OHIF v3. I was able to follow the instructions in the docs and was able to get the docker containers working. I am able to load studies from Orthanc as well but I am unable to save the measurements.

This is what I have in the browser console. Could anyone please provide any insight on what’s going on here? Any advice/help would be appreciated.

[DICOMSR] Error while saving the measurements: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'length')
    at showStructuredReportDisplaySetInActiveViewport (app.bundle.3cbddb5fd4734a27e5da.js:36916:50)
    at Interpreter.exec (app.bundle.3cbddb5fd4734a27e5da.js:170016:16)
    at Interpreter.execute (app.bundle.3cbddb5fd4734a27e5da.js:169435:14)
    at Interpreter.update (app.bundle.3cbddb5fd4734a27e5da.js:169461:12)
    at app.bundle.3cbddb5fd4734a27e5da.js:169341:15
    at Scheduler.process (app.bundle.3cbddb5fd4734a27e5da.js:169012:7)
    at Scheduler.schedule (app.bundle.3cbddb5fd4734a27e5da.js:168991:10)
    at Interpreter.send (app.bundle.3cbddb5fd4734a27e5da.js:169335:23)
    at _a.id (app.bundle.3cbddb5fd4734a27e5da.js:170261:15)