Thanks for developing such great open source software. I wanted to set up a dicom viewer for personal use, and was able to get this up and going with minimal effort. I am a swe with familiarity of cloud and medical data.
It is a great tool, easy to use, and nice step-by-step instructions for the different pieces. I used the build for deployment, netlify drop deployment, and Google Cloud Healthcare. I deployed version 3.6.0, and wanted to drop of my impressions - not sure if which qualify as bugs, feature requests, doc updates, or just my lack of understanding (happens a lot!).
- Regarding scopes for Google permissions, why is the cloudplatform piece needed? I removed it from my config and the credentials. Everything seemed to work.
- When trying to run locally, an XMLHttpRequest was blocked because of a CORS mismatch between http://localhost:3000 (actual) and https://localhost:3000 (in header). I couldn’t resolve quickly – just went straight to netlify, which delightfully “just worked”.
- The Google Healthcare doc lists doc lists roles needed to deploy, create datasets, etc. It should highlight that site users will just need viewer access to the dicom store.
- A default signed-out view would be nice, rather than going straight to the oauth dance. This could also be the final redirect after logout.
- In setting up Google creds, I used an unpublished app with test users, which was something I was familiar with but wasn’t spelled out in the docs. The docs could be flushed out around this piece.
- Deploying with Netlify drop was new to me. I didn’t see how to set the APP_CONFIG env var, so I just overwrote the default.js with my modified google.js when building.
- In the basic viewer, there are left/right arrows. They didn’t seem to have an action.
- I experimented with created a few measurements and creating a report. The measurements persisted during the session, but I seem to be lost on logout. I didn’t see where to view the report. Can these be downloaded or persisted back to the Google Healthcare API? (Would users then need dataset-level permissions be needed? I only granted my users dicomStore-level permissions)
- I love the hotkeys, and could imagine them being expanded to help switch between the various tools (pan, zoom, etc)
Overall, it’s a great tool, easy to deploy, and serves exactly my data-sharing use case. Thanks!