Multiple dicomweb datasources in OHIF v3

Hi I would like to read studies from 2 dicomweb datasources.

My config is

//… other things
defaultDataSourceName: “dicomweb”,
dataSources: [
friendlyName: “Orthanc DICOMWeb Server”,
namespace: “@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.dicomweb”,
sourceName: “dicomweb”,
configuration: {
name: “Orthanc”,
// … links
qidoSupportsIncludeField: true,
imageRendering: “wadors”,
thumbnailRendering: “wadors”,
enableStudyLazyLoad: true,
supportsFuzzyMatching: true,
requestOptions: {
auth: “demo:demo”,
friendlyName: “dcmjs DICOMWeb Server”,
namespace: “@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.dicomweb”,
sourceName: “dcmjs”,
configuration: {
name: “DCM4CHEE”,
// … links
qidoSupportsIncludeField: true,
supportsReject: true,
imageRendering: “wadors”,
thumbnailRendering: “wadors”,
enableStudyLazyLoad: true,
supportsFuzzyMatching: true,
supportsWildcard: true,

but this reads only data from the 1st datasource and not also from the 2nd one.
How can I fix it?

Hi Adrian,
Did you find any solution for this? I am facing the exact same problem.

I think I answered you on a Slack or GitHub. We have a merge data source that you can take a look. Hopefully that will answer your issue.

Yes you did. But merge isnt working either, please read my response on git. I have been trying for over a week now, and I am still unable to do it.

There is a sourceName issue in merge module. For instance

Server 1:
sourceName = dicomweb-1

Server 2
sourceName= dicomweb

Server 3
sourceName= dicomweb-2

Now when I view UI, the data shown is from server 2 , because I named it dicomweb.
No other name is being accepted. Only the server with sourceName dicomweb is displaying, I guess sourceName is hardcoded in the module.

Hi, could you solve your issue? At least for me it shows both servers with the following config:

  // some config...
  dataSources: [
        sourceName: 'merge',
        namespace: '@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.merge',
        configuration: {
          name: 'merge',
          friendlyName: 'Merge dicomweb-1 and dicomweb-2 data at the series level',
          seriesMerge: {
            dataSourceNames: ['dicomweb-1', 'dicomweb-2'],
            defaultDataSourceName: 'dicomweb-1'
        friendlyName: "Orthanc Server",
        namespace: "@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.dicomweb",
        sourceName: "dicomweb-1",
        configuration: {
          // some config...
        friendlyName: "Orthanc External Server",
        namespace: "@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.dicomweb",
        sourceName: "dicomweb-2",
        configuration: {
          // some config...
    defaultDataSourceName: "merge",
    // some config...