PDF load solution for OHIF + ORTHANC


Has anyone been able to get PDF files to load with Orthanc in V3?

I have the same issue. I cannot load PDF files.

My configuration is the following: I have docker containers with Orthanc and Ohif with a nginx reverse proxy and I am using latest 3.8 beta version. I have the feeling that cross-origin isolation is the problem but I am not sure.

@Claudio.Arenas did you manage finally to get PDF files?

We have the same issue when upgrading to V3 from 4.12.50 where it worked fine. We are using Orthanc with docker and OHIF 3.8 released version using Nginx reverse proxy. We have set up CORS properly and there are no console errors in Chrome.
We have also tested with 3.9 beta reading local file directly OHIF Viewer and wile it loads the PDF initially if I do inspect in Chrome, it exhibits the same problem and will no longer display the PDF.

@JoshLavinsky hello

have you been able to find a solution to this?. am experiencing the same issues

Unfortunately no, we have reverted to the old OHIF version 4 for now as we cant have PDF records attached to imaging studies unviewable.

I’m surprised the latest OHIF in master branch won’t work in orthanc, can you try again?

@alireza By latest do you mean 3.9 beta, 3.8.2 or 3.8?

It is fixed now try it

@alireza We loaded 3.9.0-beta.55 and used the latest local_orthanc.js config file in that build but still get the “No online PDF viewer installed error”. Our configuration is using Orthanc 11.3 in docker container but NGINX and OHIF are hosted directly on EC2. OHIF is reversed proxied at /viewer and Orthanc at /orthanc. We are using same test PDF as PDF wont load orthanc with ohif setup · Issue #4256 · OHIF/Viewers · GitHub